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Articles - Miscellanea

Posts in Robert S. Camp
Preaching on Faith and Its Necessity


   Recently a television program was aired in the Atlanta area featuring Thomas B. Warren in an interview about the Warren-Flew debate. The primary thrust of this program, as is the thrust of the whole “Issue of Life” series, was to show the need for belief in God and further to show the credibility of belief in God.

   A responsible person was reported to have questioned the value of this effort by wondering, “If the money spent on this effort were spent on this effort were spent on trying to convert people, would it not be more profitable?”

   The failure of this person—and he represents the thinking of thousands in the church—to realize what is involved in preaching the gospel and converting people is essentially the major lack of the church in its responsibility to evangelize the world.

   I hold in my hand the Bible. It is God’s book. It is His communication to man. In this Bible God reveals to humans today what He wishes them to know about Himself and indeed what He wishes them to know about themselves. Although we may learn many other things from our observation of the world about, the Bible contains that which God wishes us to know for our spiritual welfare.

   This writer has been preaching for a little over thirty-five years. When I began, I almost never found anyone who questioned the authority of the Bible. The whole controversy involved the matter of what the Bible said. Today much of our controversy involves whether it even matters what the Bible says.

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Genesis Account of Creation

Life, and specifically human life, exists today. So far as I know, there have been only two explanations for the existence of this life advanced. Creation, the idea that a superior, intelligent and powerful being brought this life into being apart from natural laws; and Evolution, the idea that life began purely by natural law in a very primitive form and developed purely by natural law to the forms in which we find it now.

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Do They Know that No One Knows?

If one word were chosen to describe the prevailing general attitude theologically, the most appropriate word would be “schizophrenic.” This is not merely to say that one theologian will radically contradict another, but to the fact that a theologian will hold views violently contradicted by other views he also holds. This situation is the rule rather than the exception.

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