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The Warren-Matson Debate (Hardcover)

The Warren-Matson Debate (Hardcover)


Dr. Wallace I. Matson, Professor of Philosophy, University of California at Berkeley, affirmed: "I know that God (that is, the God of the New Testament who is to punish some individuals eternally in hell) does not exist." Dr. Warren denied.

Dr. Thomas B. Warren, Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Christian Apologetics, Harding Graduate School of Religion, Memphis, TN, affirmed: "I know that God (that is, the God of the New Testament who is to punish some individuals eternally in hell) does exist." Dr. Matson denied.

This book is the printed version of the four night, oral debate held forty years ago this week in Tampa, FL. This debate is of crucial significance because of the propositions begin discussed. Even atheists admit that there is no question of greater importance than these: "Does God exist? If so, can I know that such is the case? If not, can I know that such is not the case?"

In recognition of the 40th anniversary of this debate, this book will be on sale through September 30.

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