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AH - BCGoodpasture

B. C. Goodpasture


Benton Cordell Goodpasture (1895-1977) began preaching October 18, 1912, at Holly Springs, Tennessee. He did full time local work in Shelbyville, Tennessee; West End Church of Christ in Atlanta, Georgia; Poplar Street Church of Christ in Florence, Alabama; Seminole Avenue Church of Christ in Atlanta; Hillsboro Church of Christ in Nashville, Tennessee.
He has contributed to Gospel Advocate magazine since 1920, and he served as the publication's editor from 1939 until his death in 1977.
He was a close friend and associate of Dr. Thomas B. Warren. Concerning Goodpasture, Warren wrote, “It is not easy to put into words the deep sentiments which we feel for this great and good man” (Spiritual Sword. 4. 2: 1). Perhaps the deep feeling of Thomas B. Warren for B. C. Goodpasture is best seen from the dedication inscribed in Dr. Warren’s signature work—Have Atheists Proved there Is No God?:

valiant soldier of the cross

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