Sufficient Evidence
Sufficient Evidence: A Journal of Christian Apologetics
Biannual journal devoted to setting forth evidence for
the existence of God, the divine origin of the Bible, and the deity of Jesus Christ.
General Editor: W. Terry Varner
Associate Editor: Thomas Bart Warren
Writing Staff
Doug Burleson Ralph Gilmore
Jim Laws David O'Connell
Charles C. Pugh III Phil Sanders
Matthew Sokoloski Daniel Stearsman
Nobie Stone Dick Sztanyo
Both Individual and Institutional Pricing Is Available
1-year subscription - $15
2 - year subscription - $25
Volume 14 No. 1
FALL 2024
Review of Male and Female God Created Them
by Dick Sztanyo
Life After Death
by Thomas B. Warren
How to Properly Interpret the Bible
by David Lipe
A Review of Equipping the Saints
by Bart Warren
Mercy More than Calves - Micah 6:6-8
by W. Terry Varner
A World Split Apart
by Alexandr Solzhenitzyn
Seven Sayings of Jesus - A Prayer of Mercy
by Rick Kelley
Before I was converted to the Lord Jesus Christ, I had a few friends who claimed to believe in Jesus but, for various reasons, had rejected any necessary urgency in following Him. At that time, the only thought I had was to agree with them. After I was converted to the Jesus of the Bible, I held to a commitment of following Him with the urgent conviction that He may return at any time as He promised with need to be ready to meet Him (1 Thessalonians 1:3; 2:4; 4:1, 7; 5:8-11).