Affirm. Defend. Advance.
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Future Facility

"The Warren Center must not only battle, but it must build..."


Yes, Warren Apologetics Center is here, and we are battling! WCAC is on the frontlines of the battle producing, presenting, and publishing apologetics materials in the apologetics legacy of Dr. Thomas B. Warren. Even so, there is much more to do! As we are thankful to God for what He already has enabled to be accomplished without any facility, imagine what can be done as He enables this Center to build and then move into its own facility publishing more and more faith strengthening articles, journals, discussions, and lectures  before live audiences; preserving the material with state-of-the-art capabilities; globally disseminate this wealth of information via live streaming and the available digital technology; providing the best available apologetics library for young and old alike; preserving and perpetuating the remarkable apologetics legacy of Dr. Thomas B. Warren; and, above all, bringing glory to God Almighty by building this informational thesistic center to arm children, grandchildren, and generations yet unborn with the assurance of the existence of God, the divine origin of the Bible, and the deity of Jesus Christ! No financial gift to Warren Christian Apologetics Center is too small or large, because every gift is used to enable the Warren Center to exist and continue to do its one-of-a-kind work.  In view of what is happening in our nation and in the world it is doubtful that the value of this project for "such a time as this" could be over estimated. When an apologetics center challenges people of Christian faith coast-to-coast to give millions to affirm and defend God- is the challenge too great?

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