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AH - Mack Lyon

Mack Lyon


Mack Lyon (1921-2015) was born in Muskogee, Oklahoma. Mack committed his life to preaching the gospel at age 14 and preached his first sermon three years later on a Sunday night, November 2, 1939 while still in high school. In those more than sixty-two years, he has lived and worked with local churches in Oklahoma, Arizona, Texas and New Jersey. He was a missionary in Western Australia in the 1960s where he established a congregation in the Riverton suburb of Perth.
Mack Lyon began the IN SEARCH OF THE LORD'S WAY television program in September 1980 on one small TV station in Oklahoma. He has been recognized for his work in religious broadcasting by Freed-Hardeman University in Henderson, TN and by Oklahoma Christian University in Oklahoma City. He has been called a "Pace-Setter" among churches of Christ by the CHRISTIAN CHRONICLE, an international newspaper of churches of Christ. At the end of the 20th Century he was named by THE GOSPEL ADVOCATE, a privately published monthly magazine, as one of 100 "Trail Blazers" of the century among churches of Christ.

Righteousness Exalts A Nation

According to an AP report on Jan. 1, 2001, the people of Detroit, led by their mayor opened a copper box, a time capsule, that had been sealed shortly after midnight a hundred years earlier, Jan. 1, 1901.

The article by Andrea Cecil said that “Detroiters were amazed at what had been accomplished, but were even more excited about what the future would bring.” Some of them were excited about the potential speed of travel. That was two years before the founding of the Ford Motor Company, and you may remember that when Henry Ford announced he would build an automobile that would run at 30 mph, he was laughed to scorn. It was said the human body would disintegrate at such speeds.

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