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Articles - God

Articles concerning the existence of God.

Posts in Charles C Pugh III
Revival Begins at God's House, Not the White House

The late William F. Buckley, Jr., wrote in his 1951 book, God and Man at Yale, that he believed “the duel between Christianity and atheism is the most important in the world” (xvi). That was 70 years ago. What Buckley said was true then, and it is still true today. One year following the publication of Buckley’s book, in which he challenged the unbelief that was rearing its ugly head at Yale, a former KGB spy and defector from atheistic communism published an autobiography, which is the dark story of his former atheism, espionage, treason, and terror.

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Turning the Hearts of Fathers to Their Children...

David Berlinski, author of The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions, has described the Old Testament as “the greatest repository of human knowledge and wisdom in the history of civilization, anytime, any place. . . . It is an enormously complex, rich, and dramatic piece of work.”

Have you ever given thought to the final two verses of this “complex, rich, and dramatic piece of work?” The reading is as follows:

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction. (Malachi 4:5-6, ESV)

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Addressing the Greatest Problem in Society

When the late Russian writer Solzhenitsyn delivered his Templeton Prize speech in London, May 10, 1983, he referred to how societies were “losing more and more of their religious essence as they thoughtlessly yield up their younger generations to atheism.” He affirmed that this abandoning of God among the young was sowing seeds of hatred, whatever its basis might be—race, class, or ideology. He added, “Such hatred is in fact corroding many hearts today. Atheist teachers . . . are bringing up a generation in a spirit of hatred of their own society.” Solzhenitsyn’s conclusion: “All attempts to find a way out of the plight of today’s world are fruitless unless we redirect our consciousness, in repentance, to the Creator of all. . . .”

Just shy of forty years later, journalist Cal Thomas has now issued the same warning the Russian writer was addressing. In his book, America’s Expiration Date: The Fall of Empires and Super Powers and the Future of the United States, Thomas says

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When This Last Barrier to Vice is Broken Down . . .

ohn W. McGarvey (1829-1911) was a highly acclaimed Bible scholar. His volume on The Authorship of Deuteronomy (1902) was recognized in reviews in America and Great Britain as a premier work of its kind.

It is of no small thing when one with a reputation like McGarvey writes as he did in his autobiography, when referring to his contemporary Moses E. Lard. J. W. McGarvey wrote concerning Lard that he had “unequaled eloquence. . . . Some of his sermons were acknowledged by all hearers to be the most thrilling they had ever heard, and there is no doubt that his power to stir the deepest depths of the heart was above that of any other preacher of his time.” McGarvey called Lard ‘the most powerful preacher we had.”

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"Let Us Kneel Before the Lord Our Maker"

“Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!” (Psalm 95:6, ESV). A man who was a great preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ for more than seven decades, and a dear friend of mine, was Denver E. Cooper (1923-2015). He once shared with me that when he began his preaching career in the 1930s many church people would kneel when they prayed. Do we do much of that today? If not, one wonders why.

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The historic Warren-Flew debate on the existence of God occurred on four consecutive September nights during America’s Bicentennial year of 1976. Conducted on the campus of what was North Texas State University (now University of North Texas), the event attracted nightly audiences of several thousand. Some attendance estimates have been as high as 9000 for one evening of the debate.

The Warren-Flew debate is considered by some as the most devastating defeat suffered by atheism in the 20th century—likely including earlier centuries. Dr. Antony Flew was recognized as one of the most highly acclaimed philosophical atheists of his time. Flew died in 2010. Dr. Thomas B. Warren was a great preacher of the gospel of Christ and a brilliant philosopher. He passed away in 2000.

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The Bible is the one ultimately authoritative book with the right answers to life’s most crucial questions. One of these questions is the following: “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3). One writer described the situation as the pillars being pulled down. The pillars, the foundations of civil society, provide for the ongoing existence and well-being of society.

Presently, there are some who have the intention of literally pulling down historical American monuments and memorials. As deeply troubling as their agenda may be, there is something more troubling, because it is more foundational. It is the efforts of those who intend to pull down what Washington called the “indispensable supports . . . great pillars . . . the foundation of the fabric” of “every species of free government” which Washington identified as religion and morality in his 1796 Farewell Address.

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Virtue and the Virus

On August 20, 1775, George Washington wrote a letter to Major General Philip Schuyler. Two months earlier Washington had been appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army by the Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia. In addition to the details of military strategy included in his letter, Washington included these words: “I am sure you will not let difficulties damp your ardour. Perseverance and spirit have done wonders in all ages” (

This statement from the man whom the late Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia, called “the greatest American of them all” implies qualities needed for such a time as this. Perseverance and spirit have done wonders throughout the ages and certainly throughout the history of America. This is a different time, with different details, but it remains a time for the qualities of perseverance and spirit to work wonders again.

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The National “Tradition” of Belief in God

Watching a televised Fourth of July presentation of a “Salute to America” was impactful and insightful. The sights and sounds were impressive. Much of the focus centered on the nation’s military, which should exist to protect the citizenry, especially those who seek to be, and do, good (cf. Romans 13:3-4). The presentation included an array of tanks, precision military units, and powerful weaponry such as multiple aircraft displayed in impressive flyovers performed by units such as the U. S. Navy’s Blue Angels.  Watching those Blue Angels soar above in a six-plane delta formation while unleashing a display of white smoke was a special sight to behold. However, there was more than military prowess on display. Hearing the names of great American heroes, some of whom we have been aware of since childhood, was inspirational. There were such names as George Washington, Betsy Ross, John Glenn, Martin Luther King, and numerous others. Some of the individuals may have been lesser known such as Dr. Emil Freireich whose work in oncology has resulted in successful treatment of childhood leukemia. All were American heroes. Hearing the U. S. Armed Forces Chorus sing service songs adopted respectively by each of the five branches of the United States Armed Forces was powerful.

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My Dad Knows God!

   There is the story of three little boys who, playing as backyard buddies, got into one of those “my Dad is better than your Dad” routines. One of the boys declared, “My Dad knows the mayor of our town!” The second boy responded by saying, “That’s nothing! My Dad knows the governor!” Then the third boy exclaimed: “That’s nothing! My Dad knows God!”

   There is no greater legacy a father can leave his children (son or daughter) than the memory of a father who has lived by faith in, and fear of, God. The Bible reports, “[A]nd the Scripture was fulfilled that says, ‘Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness’—and he was called a friend of God” (James 2:23; cf. Genesis 15:6). [All Scripture references are from the English Standard Version, ESV Text Edition 2011.] Surely Isaac was a rich son, because he was able to correctly recall that his father was “a friend of God.” Likewise, Jacob could rightfully say, “If the God of my father, the God of Abraham and the Fear of Isaac, had not been on my side, surely now you would have sent me away empty-handed” (Genesis 31:42). What a legacy has been bequeathed when one can say, as Alexander Campbell reportedly said of his father, Thomas: “I never knew a man of whom it could be said with more assurance that he walked with God. . . . Whatsoever good I may have done under God, I owe it all to his paternal care and instruction, and especially his example.”

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In 1943, following his historic BBC radio talks of 1941-42, C. S. Lewis published an essay titled, “The Poison of Subjectivism.” Lewis wrote: “Until modern times, no thinker of the first rank ever doubted that our judgements of value were rational judgements or that what they discovered was objective.” However, as Lewis goes on to explain, today’s modern view is that when someone says a thing is good he is merely expressing his feelings about it. By “judgements of value” Lewis meant moral judgments about right and wrong. He called this “practical reason” and said if we “grant that our practical reason is really reason and that its fundamental imperatives are . . . absolute . . . then unconditional allegiance to them is the duty of man. So is absolute allegiance to God. And these two allegiances must, somehow, be the same.”

Absolute moral judgment goes hand in hand with the absolute reality of God. And, the absolute reality of God goes hand in hand with absolute moral judgment. Without absolute moral judgment there is no absolute truth. Without absolute truth there is no absolute moral judgment.

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The Last Night of the Year

New Year’s Eve. Someone has described it as a sanctioned party that makes way for another 365 days of drudgery and responsibility. December 31 is the night the civilized world steps on the gas and blows last year’s gunk out of its carburetors.

   The above reflects a perspective of the shallow and misguided nature of the secular life. The end of the old year and beginning of the new year should be a time to focus on more than the tinsel and confetti of the world symbolized in a sparkling ball that falls from Times Square. The old year passes with its success and failure, sunshine and sorrow, and triumph and trial. Such, in conjunction with the dawning of a new year, can be a purposeful time of deep reflection on the real issues of life.

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For the first time in its 382 year history, Harvard University’s next graduating class (2019) has more professed atheists and agnostics than professed Christians. Nearly forty percent (37.9%) of the 2019 class have openly claimed to be atheistic or agnostic.

The Original Rules and Precepts observed at Harvard included “Let every Student be plainly instructed, and earnestly pressed to consider well, the maine end of his life and studies is, to know God and Jesus Christ . . . and therefore to lay Christ in the bottome, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning” (Federer, America’s God and Country , pp. 280-81). The original Harvard motto, which will be 375 years old this coming December 27, is Veritas, which is Latin for Truth. In 1650, the motto was changed to “In Christi Gloriam,” meaning “For the Glory of Christ.” In 1692, the Harvard motto became “Veritas pro Christo et Ecclesiae, ” which means “Truth for Christ and the Church.” In time, Harvard continued down a path into deep secularization. Veritas exclusively became the one word motto to the exclusion of any of the former references to God or Jesus Christ, who the original rules and precepts of Harvard had described as “the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning.”

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While having lunch with a university professor who has taught biblical texts and topics, philosophy, apologetics, and other related subjects for at least parts of four decades, I asked, “What is the major difference you see in today’s students (especially in Millennials) from the students you taught in the early years of your career?” Without hesitation he replied, “Today, especially in Millennials, there is the loss of conviction that there is absolute truth.”

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From Christology to Theism: The Resurrection and the Existence of God

here is one conglomerate argument (the total evidence warrants the deduction) for each of the three foundational propositions of the case for Christianity: (1) God exists, (2) the Bible is the word of God, and (3) Jesus Christ is the Son of God. However, each of these three basic arguments contains several constituent elements which, themselves, can be presented as separate arguments for the respective proposition.

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On the morning of September 11, 2001, the worst single act of terrorism occurred at the World Trade Center in New York City, at the U. S. Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and in the skies over Pennsylvania. A total of 2,977 people were killed. It is likely the case that every person reading these words remembers where he or she was when the news came that morning that drastically changed America in these times...

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In her book, Why Me? ADoctor Looks at the Book of Job, Yale University Pediatrics Oncologist, Dr. Diane Komp, relates an experience of Rebecca Pippert. As a student in a college biology class, Pippert heard her professor, on the first day of the semester, say that humans are “merely a fortuitous concourse of atoms, a meaningless piece of protoplasm in an absurd world” (108)...

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