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Articles - God

Articles concerning the existence of God.

God and Immortality vs. Atheism and Socialism

   The Russian novelist and essayist Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) had a plan that entailed the completion of a literary cycle titled, The Life of a Great Sinner. The plan was to involve a goal of addressing the existence of God, which he once called “the problem that has consciously and unconsciously tormented me all my life” (Great Books of the Western World, vol. 52, vi). The literary cycle was not finished, but what the great writer did complete, just prior to his death, was a masterpiece recognized by many literary scholars as one of the major achievements in world literature titled The Brothers Karamazov. First published as a serial (1879-80), it was then published in a full edition in 1880.

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Adam and Eve Are Driven from Eden


   1. Some questions from God. (3:9-11). 1) “Where art thou?” 2) “Who told thee that thou wast naked?” and 3) “Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?” Each one of these questions is very important and highly significant in God’s reaction to man’s sin. Let us note in some detail the first question.

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Heaven . . . We've Had a Problem Here


   There is a story of a twelve-year-old boy who wrote the Library of Congress requesting two books. He wanted one book on space travel, and another on sane living. The boy concluded his letter by saying, “If you can’t send both books, send the one on space travel ‘cause I’m more interested in that.”

   Most of us would agree that it seems normal for a twelve-year-old boy to be “more interested” in space travel than in a topic like “sane living.” However, surely we should also recognize it to be the case that when many U. S. mental health groups are describing what they call

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Seven Foundations of Civilizations

   In the introduction to a 2014 speech delivered on “Civic Education,” the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said:


Washington is my favorite of the Founders—the one I would most have liked to meet. Not just because he was the indispensable man—the man without whom the American Revolution would not have succeeded. But also because he is a puzzlement. He was not a great intellect; indeed, he was quite sensitive about his lack of formal education. (He was not even, to tell the truth, that skilled a military tactician as The New York campaign demonstrated.) And he was surrounded by great intellects, who produced great writings—Hamilton, Madison, and Jefferson, to name the most prominent. Washington himself wrote not much of note, beyond his famous First Thanksgiving Proclamation and his Farewell Address. . . .  Yet all those well-published, intellectual geniuses looked up to, deferred to, stood in awe of George Washington. What was there about the man that produced that result?

   It must have been character. Washington was a man of honor, of constancy, or steady determination. A man who could be believed, trusted, counted on. (64-65)

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From the Mouths of Children

It happened a few days before Jesus of Nazareth was nailed to a Roman cross at which time He experienced, what remains forever in the history of mankind, the supreme instance of suffering (cf. Warren, Have Atheists Proved There Is No God?, 46). Following His dramatic entrance into Jerusalem, generally called “The Triumphal Entry,” He came to the temple where He taught (Mark 11:17) and healed the blind and the lame (Matthew 21:14).

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Textual Study of Romans 1:18-25

Contextual Study (1:1-3:20)
It is necessary when handling a textual study that we deal with its entire context. The immediate context of our study begins with 1:18 and carries its thought to completion at 3:20 (cf. Grubbs; Reese; Shepherd, et al.).

Universality (1:1-17). In order to introduce the Roman Christians to his thesis, the prolific Paul first declared the universality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, “. . . to the Jew first and also to the Greek” (1:17).

Individuality (1:18-32). The design of this section (incidentally, the one we deal with in our study) was individuality; i.e., to dismiss the notion that non-Jews (termed in the New Testament “Gentiles”) were safe from the wrath of Jehovah by virtue of their supposed ignorance of His existence, and thus, His requirements.

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Animals Will Teach You: Remembering Buddy

As a puppy, he was given the name “Bud.” At age seven, when he came to live with us, I called him “Buddy”—my Buddy. He was a handsome pure-bred yellow Labrador Retriever; an American Lab, which tends to be taller than an English Lab. Buddy was large, gracing nearly thirty inches according to how they measure the height of these animals. He weighed 105 pounds. He was not overweight. His name fit him well—“Mr. Bud”—beautiful, gentle, obedient, happy, lovable, affectionate, and loyal. Oh, how loyal he was!

George Cansdale (1909-1993) was a prominent British zoologist and Superintendent of the London Zoo. He traveled widely and spoke extensively concerning his field of expertise. All the while he maintained an allegiance to the biblical worldview. His presentations on the animal world captured the attention of children and adults. He authored a book titled All the Animals of the Bible (Zondervan 1970). In the book’s Foreword, written by the late John Stott, the author is described as one who was “a keen Bible student all his life.” Cansdale’s book is fascinating and informative. In a chapter about bears, wolves, foxes, dogs, et al., Cansdale says, “Without doubt the dog is man’s oldest animal companion. . . . [The dog] assumed the role of honoured assistant and intimate companion of people all over the world” (121, 123).

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Harvest Time

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). Every person has some one thing which is most important in his life. First in the life of every person is either God or some ‘god.’ If one does not put God first in his life, then he puts some ‘god’ first. This ‘god’ may be popularity with one’s fellow man. It may be gaining of wealth—of money, houses, lands, etc. It may be sensual pleasure. Whatever is first in one’s life becomes a sort of springboard from which all of his decisions are made.

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As a boy, I grew up hearing and watching the late Batsell Barrett Baxter on Herald of Truth radio and television broadcasts. Even to a kid still in elementary school, Baxter was an engaging speaker. His seemingly flawless conversational speaking style, easily understood message, and obvious care and concern for the listener, served to make him a popular speaker in the 20th century.

   The first and only time I heard Baxter preach, other than by radio or television, was in 1971. After completing undergraduate study at Harding College in 1970, providence afforded me the opportunity to return to the Harding campus the following year for the annual Bible Lectureship. The lectureship theme was “Faith in Conflict,” and

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The Folly of Unbelief

“The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God’” (Psalm 14:1; 53:1). This text emphasizes the importance of man’s relationship to God. Our relationship with God is all-important. We are to love God with the totality of our being (Matthew 22:37). Man’s relationship with God is the vital matter of all matters as our eternity depends upon it.

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My Father's Argument for Christianity

Everett Ferguson, Distinguished Scholar in Residence at Abilene Christian University, rendered a great service when he authored his brief volume Thinking~Living~Dying published in 2011 by the Warren Center. It is a publication rich in content that concerns how early Christian apologists (2nd-3rd centuries) speak to the 21st century. Describing the earliest apologists, Ferguson says they “not only won the intellectual contest with [unbelievers] but also excelled [unbelievers] in conduct. The Christian life is a powerful argument for the truth of Christianity. . . .”

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Evolution Can't Be Proved

Texas Education Commissioner W. N. Kirby has implicitly proposed that all high school biology textbooks used in the public schools in Texas should be required to claim not only that all human beings who have ever lived on the earth (but are now dead) but also that all who are now living owe their ultimate origin to evolution (by purely naturalistic forces) from non-living, non-intelligent, non-purposive matter (for example, from rocks and dirt). This is the basic affirmation of evolutionism.

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Weather Changes and Winter Chills

Where and when this article is being written, one might say, “The weather outside is frightful!” The temperature is zero with a beautiful white landscape of 8-10 inches of snow on the ground. I think of Elihu’s words:

God . . . does great things that we cannot comprehend. For to the snow He says, “Fall on the Earth” . . . He seals up the hand of every man, that all men whom He made may know it. Then the beasts go into their lairs, and remain in their dens. From its chamber comes the whirlwind, and cold from the scattering winds. By the breath of God ice is given, and the broad waters are frozen fast. . . . Hear this, O Job: stop and consider the wondrous works of God. (Job 37:5-10, 14)

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Revival Begins at God's House, Not the White House

The late William F. Buckley, Jr., wrote in his 1951 book, God and Man at Yale, that he believed “the duel between Christianity and atheism is the most important in the world” (xvi). That was 70 years ago. What Buckley said was true then, and it is still true today. One year following the publication of Buckley’s book, in which he challenged the unbelief that was rearing its ugly head at Yale, a former KGB spy and defector from atheistic communism published an autobiography, which is the dark story of his former atheism, espionage, treason, and terror.

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Turning the Hearts of Fathers to Their Children...

David Berlinski, author of The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions, has described the Old Testament as “the greatest repository of human knowledge and wisdom in the history of civilization, anytime, any place. . . . It is an enormously complex, rich, and dramatic piece of work.”

Have you ever given thought to the final two verses of this “complex, rich, and dramatic piece of work?” The reading is as follows:

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction. (Malachi 4:5-6, ESV)

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Addressing the Greatest Problem in Society

When the late Russian writer Solzhenitsyn delivered his Templeton Prize speech in London, May 10, 1983, he referred to how societies were “losing more and more of their religious essence as they thoughtlessly yield up their younger generations to atheism.” He affirmed that this abandoning of God among the young was sowing seeds of hatred, whatever its basis might be—race, class, or ideology. He added, “Such hatred is in fact corroding many hearts today. Atheist teachers . . . are bringing up a generation in a spirit of hatred of their own society.” Solzhenitsyn’s conclusion: “All attempts to find a way out of the plight of today’s world are fruitless unless we redirect our consciousness, in repentance, to the Creator of all. . . .”

Just shy of forty years later, journalist Cal Thomas has now issued the same warning the Russian writer was addressing. In his book, America’s Expiration Date: The Fall of Empires and Super Powers and the Future of the United States, Thomas says

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When This Last Barrier to Vice is Broken Down . . .

ohn W. McGarvey (1829-1911) was a highly acclaimed Bible scholar. His volume on The Authorship of Deuteronomy (1902) was recognized in reviews in America and Great Britain as a premier work of its kind.

It is of no small thing when one with a reputation like McGarvey writes as he did in his autobiography, when referring to his contemporary Moses E. Lard. J. W. McGarvey wrote concerning Lard that he had “unequaled eloquence. . . . Some of his sermons were acknowledged by all hearers to be the most thrilling they had ever heard, and there is no doubt that his power to stir the deepest depths of the heart was above that of any other preacher of his time.” McGarvey called Lard ‘the most powerful preacher we had.”

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