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Articles - Miscellanea

The Greatest Global Challenge

Surely most of us would acknowledge, without doubt, that there is the sense in which the greatest global challenge of 2020 has been and remains the global pandemic of COVID19.

However, there is another real sense in which the greatest global challenge of 2020 has been and will remain the growing global influence of atheism and all forms of unbelief—a faith that attacks true faith in God. There is a profound simplicity to how basic this is that most people do not grasp. Although it is before their very eyes, they stumble over it (Romans 1:19-20). Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States, saw this truth perhaps more than any leader in modern times. It caused him to stand strong and uncompromisingly against atheistic communism. It may be the case that no one, with the exception of his own mother, influenced Reagan to battle atheism more than Whittaker Chambers. Reagan regularly cited Chambers who wrote: “Faith is the central problem. . . . The Western world does not know it, but it already possesses the answer to this problem—but only provided that its faith in God and the freedom He enjoins is as great as communism’s faith in Man.”

Warren Apologetics Center exists to challenge the growing global influence of atheism. From our humble beginning in 2010 to the present, we have been challenging atheism and other forms of unbelief through first class publications and events. We remain committed to the same. However, success in this endeavor necessitates your support. There is a sense in which your gifts to WCAC might be the most basic investment of value you could make in your welfare and the welfare of your children, grandchildren, and generations to come. WCAC is merely a human institution. However the proposition we affirm and defend, “I know that God exists,” is not merely a function of the human mind. It is the absolute truth!

 Is it only a coincidence that a global pandemic that has resulted in such death, destruction, division, depression, and disillusion, originated in a country ruled by a government wrapped in the throes of atheistic communism? Perhaps this is only a coincidence. We do not profess to know such details. What we do know is that “history is cluttered with the wreckage of nations that became indifferent to God and died” (Chambers).

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