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Articles - Miscellanea

Posts in Harold M. Voth
The Family and the Future of America

This is a grave time in the history of our nation. Changes are taking place in our way of life and in our national character which have lowered, and will continue to lower, the vitality of our people, the quality of our institutions, and our basic values. The inevitable result is that we will undergo a progressive disintegration and possibly the eventual collapse of our democracy. When sufficiently disintegrated, forces either within our borders of a revolutionary nature or external forces will overwhelm what is left of America. The American Dream will be over.

People tend to believe that America, the invincible, will always be, that generous and stalwart Americans will always exist, that our way of life is forever safe. This is an illusion, a self-deception. An internal process is at work which poses a far greater danger to us than our dwindling natural resources, the energy crisis, our huge national debt, or the trade deficit.

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