Things Most Surely Believed
Things Most Surely Believed
As in all centuries, Christians today are confronted with troublesome challenges to their faith by attempting to create doubt concerning God's existence and the authority of the Bible. Charles C. Pugh III has written an excellent study . . . The volume contains a series of nine faith strengthening essays in Christian evidences, as well as, an Appendix containing one-page compositions on Christian evidences that have appeared in numerous publications. These essays deal cogently with the human venture as it is crystallized in so many cross-currents of present-day thinking. Writing with candor and honesty, the author reasons via a trilogy of (1) Proof - arguing from a logical (rational) basis for the faith, (2) Defense - answering objections of unbelief, and (3) Offense - attacking the foolishness of the though of unbelievers. --- W. Terry Varner