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Sufficient Evidence Archive

Sufficient Evidence: A Journal of Christian Apologetics is devoted to setting forth evidence for the existence of God, the divine origin of the Bible, and the deity of Jesus Christ, and is published biannually (Spring and Fall).



God and Evil

“Probe an atheist or agnostic deeply enough about why they doubt God’s existence, and he or she will likely recount for you the problem of evil.   This problem keeps many from faith in God altogether and rattles the faith of even the staunchest believers” says John S. Feinberg in his essay, “Why I Still Believe in Christ, in Spite of Evil and Suffering” (237). Mankind has always had trouble explaining the evil, pain, and suffering that occurs in the world.  We have records of many that have been through almost incomprehensible suffering and they are pushed to the question, “Where is God?”...

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The Superiority of the Christian Ethical System

The superiority of the Christian ethical system is best recognized in the exemplary life of Jesus of Nazareth. Properly described and explicated, this system includes duties and goals set in an absolutist context sensitive to individual cases and personal choice with a foundation in human nature created in the image of God and in a reasoned account of general and special revelation. I will introduce some of the biblical Christian concepts that are important constituent elements of such an ethical system and argue that these demonstrate its superiority per se, not requiring comparison to other systems as a part of the superiority claim.

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Answering Alleged Contradictions in the Bible

During the FOX News February 27 broadcast of The O’Reilly Factor, Mr. Bill O’Reilly stated that the New Testament Gospel writers contradict each other, in addition to implying that the Bible contains other errors. On February 26, as the Factor Tip of the Day, Mr. O’Reilly urged his viewers to present what they believe in a “rational way.”  As the following article sets forth, to be rational means that one honors the law of rationality. This means that one should draw only such conclusions as are warranted by the evidence.  This article provides a sound base for responding to such claims as those made by Mr. O’Reilly.

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