More and more charges are being made that the Bible is not inherent. Critics accuse various inaccuracies within the Bible. One of the areas in which they do so is in scientific statements. Some of the so-called errors or inaccuracies:
1. THE SPHERICAL EARTH. Historians and scientists generally credit Pythagoras, a Greek who lived in the sixth century B.C., as suggesting a spherical earth. The Greek scientist Eratosthenes, the third century B.C., calculated the size of the earth. The Biblical view of the world as a sphere is set forth by inspiration before either of the above mentioned Greeks lived. Isaiah writes: “It is he (Jehovah) that sitteth above the circle of the earth” (Isaiah 40:22). Solomon spoke of God setting “a circle upon the face of the deep!” (Proverbs 8:27). Job 26:10 speaks of “the confines of light and darkness,” which suggests that where light terminates, darkness begins. It declares both day and night on the spherical earth as well as the rotation of the earth. The words of Jesus suggest the same, when He spoke of “In that day” (Luke 17:31) and “in that night” (Luke 17:34), as occurring at the same time.
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