These are troublesome, but quickening, times. There is fear, but there is also the faith. There is uncertainty, but there is, as an old song says, “an anchor that keeps the soul steadfast and sure while the billows roll.”
There are questions that remain unanswered and everyone, it seems, is talking about it. Even a sportswriter in the local newspaper made the following comment: “The more I talk with folks about the ongoing implosion of American society and the continued pandemic, there doesn’t appear to be a lot of answers currently available.” Of course, at times it may be the case that some of us are asking the wrong questions. In his little book on grief C. S. Lewis says “half the questions we ask—half our great theological and metaphysical problems” are what Lewis called “nonsense questions.”
Could it be the case that the true answers to the most important questions are available, but many do not know where to go to find the available answers? Nearly fifty years ago I saw a brief message on a bulletin board in the reception/waiting area of a doctor’s office. It was a powerful message then, and it remains powerful. Some may think the message is out of place in our politically correct culture, especially in a doctor’s office.
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